The solution?

Understand and take action

Lab-L is a platform dedicated to disease prevention through daily hygiene. Why? Because essential household hygiene practices have been diminishing, posing a real threat to public health with new viruses emerging and allergies increasing. We are witnessing a growing resistance to antibiotics and antifungal treatments as well as the harmful effects of chemicals on our health. However, a few simple steps can allow us to avoid infections. Health professionals and those who are simply worried about this issue can find resources and practical tools here that have been backed by studies and by the Laurastar scientific committee. Discover the best daily practices to protect you and your loved ones with Lab-L.

Protect yourself and your loved ones

The Lab-L mission

Adopting good hygiene practices allows you to take care of your health and that of those closest to you. But so much more can still be done on a daily basis. Lab-L is there for you, for professionals and individuals working in the fields of healthcare, child care, or with the elderly: together we’ll improve hygiene.
The Lab-L mission

Recognised experts

Lab-L is based on the advice, expertise and backing of recognized internal and external experts in the field of health and hygiene. Therefore, the methodology, research and resources are scientifically sound.
Recognised experts

La Technologie DMS

Dry Microfine Steam (DMS) is an exclusive Laurastar technology developed by our engineers in Switzerland. Whether you want to beautify your clothes or sanitise your home, DMS steam guarantees performance, fabric care and hygiene.
La Technologie DMS

DMS against bacteria

While some bacteria are quite useful and contribute to our body’s overall health, other bacteria and pathogens, can cause you or your loved ones to suffer a potentially dangerous illness or infection. That's why it's important to understand simple hygiene practices that can help you avoid them.
DMS against bacteria

DMS against allergens

Whether they are caused by exterior or interior pollution, allergies are on the rise, causing true discomfort on a daily basis. How can we prevent a sensitivity from developing or reduce the symptoms of an existing one? First of all, we can limit exposure to dust mites and pollen, the main causes of these problems.
DMS against allergens
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